Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Beginning of Something Mediocre.

This here picture, is of one of my favorite quotes, from my all time favorite movie, "Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy." 

In this video, a huge relation between dolphin intelligence and human intelligence collaborates. I really like this movie because of how interesting it would be to be to know so much about the world., that no one else did.


In the video, it shows how the dolphins blow all the humans minds and fly away. As said in the quote, "Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much," humans thought that they were always the smartest animals, but dolphins thought the same thing, humans just couldn't see just how smart dolphins really are. Humans thought they were so smart because they could invent things, but dolphins were still smarter because they had conquered the ultimate challenge; happiness. They find frolicking in the water the best thing on earth, so therefor they found themselves smarter than humans, who are always just working and such.

Back in 2008
When i was just 10 years old, I qualified for the Junior Olympics, or JO's. I was accepted into this competition for jump roping, which I did competitively back then; on a team and everything.

For my video got to his link: (my team at CU. I think we were doing a half time show)
I'm the child in the bottom right hand corner at 0:30, middle 4:43, and at 7:00 right side.

I really loved this experience because I got to compete at the highest levels and got to travel to Reno! I placed 3rd for the All Around in my age group, which was surprisingly great. Life lessons I took out of this experience: hard work pays off completely. I trained for 3-4 years, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, until I finally crawled my way to the top where I competed more and more often. I made tons of friends while training also, which was just a huge bonus. I feel it could have been a tad better if I was over 21 because of all the casino's everywhere. Our hotel was even a casino, so yeah, it would have been better if I was older at the time. All around, it was an amazing situation and opportunity for me and my team.