Sunday, September 29, 2013

Heroism Poster Process

I really thought the hero posters were very fun, they were quite a lot of work, but it was fun work. How often do you get to do a huge write up and poster on Scooby-Doo?! My team was amazing, and we all went to my house, and watched our movie. We have all been friends for a year or two now, so we all listened and loved each others ideas. We watched Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase, which is one of the best ones. We made our poster really cool looking, so that if we screwed up the presentation (which we did, so badly), we would still get tons of points for the visual feature. Also, watching the other groups present was pretty cool too. One group did the movie, "Back to the Future." They did a really nice job and their presentation was quite exquisite. One person in their group was amazing at talking, and really caught the attention of the crowd. Its real cool to spend a week working hard, and then coming together at the end and putting it together to make something bigger. All around it was quite a fun project.


I also mentioned that I enjoyed listening to a group do the movie, "Back to the Future." It was quite good because they seemed to plan it out so well; or even if they winged the whole presentation, they did an amazing job. I really loved how they put all the pieces of the movie together to make their poster. Oh yeah, that reminds me; it was kind of annoying with steps 10 and 11 because they were both the same scene in our movie, and it was about 4 seconds long. It made it quite difficult to turn each into 8 sentences per step, but we got it done. Back to the movie, "Back to the Future", It was cool how they made it seem as though I had seen the movie, even though I haven't. Their descriptions of all the steps in the movie were very helpful to get down what the plot was. I could tell exactly what was going on in the movies' heroism circle. I really enjoyed this whole fricken project, and would love to do another anytime of the year. It was quite groovy.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hardcore Parkour!

After school every Tuesday, Thursday and sometimes Saturday, I go to a place called Apex-Movement from 6-9pm. It is a ginormous parkour/break-dancing gym. This place has a very large significance in my life because of how much I love doing parkour and free-running. I have been going to Apex for about a year and 2 months, for 2-3 days a week. It’s really interesting to see how much people, in general, improve physically and mentally, the more they have been training at this gym. Parkour is all about confidence and strength, if you want to get good; you have to increase each of these together. You may be wondering what the difference between parkour and free-running is: parkour is just getting from location A to location B, as fast and efficient as possible. Free-running is basically the same thing, but instead of going as fast as possible, you try to make it look as awesome as possible; its more for the flashy, cool looking factor, not really for speed. Free-running and parkour both have flips involved, but free-running has them much more so. I really love them both, and you can’t do one without the other, so I like them equally. Anyone reading this should defiantly check out Apex-Movement, you might find your dream sport.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sadness of the Abyss

The abyss is the lowest moment in the journey. It’s a time of suffering, pain, and facing fears (metaphorical monsters.) “Slay the dragon.” Describe a time in your life that resembled an abyss. How did it transform you?

When I was in 5th grade I had a teacher named, “Mrs. Mag.” She was honestly the worst teacher and person you could think, of multiplied by 6. She gave tons of homework each night, and actually had grades for us; which was scaring enough for a 5th grader. That whole year of 2008 was a terrible year, and I was in the abyss. Being in the abyss sucks, but when you are a 5th grader and still not even knowing what’s going on in life, it’s treacherous. After that year, I have never really trusted a teacher to the whole extent I could, because of her demonic ways. She gave us more homework than I have this year, and all around she was just a bad person. But I couldn't just give up and let her keep me in the abyss forever, I had to get out. Somehow. Nowadays I just deal with the teachers I have and don't really talk or sass them back; basically so they don't notice me.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hero is a Different Kind of Word

What does the word hero mean to you? Do you have a hero? Real or fictional?

            Heroes are all over in this wonderful world of ours, but in this very community there is one certain hero that really charms me. That hero is my father, Bill. All through my life he has picked me up and pushed me further in life. “Hero” to me means: someone who makes good choices and others can look up to for almost everything. My pa has always been a major inspiration and has forced me into some things I would not have done without his help. I know find that these things he wanted me to do have changed my life, always for the better. This hero of mine; I am proud to call my dad.