Monday, April 28, 2014

Siddhartha,I Chapters 1-6

So, over the weekend I was FORCED to read six chapters of this book called Siddhartha!! This book is like none else we have read because of how much action happens in it. So far there has been literally no action, which makes it rather boring! I'm not being offensive or anything dumb like that, but I really don't like this book compared to the other books we have read in this class! We read Lord of the Flies, and Oedipus Rex, both of which I honestly enjoyed the whole time! I don;t know if it's just that Siddhartha is so arrogant in EVERYTHING he does, or that he thinks he knows everything and nobody can help him reach Nirvana, I'm not sure. I'm atheist, so I don't fully understand the whole "God and Heaven thing, so there is really nothing that I can relate too and be like "ooooooh, now I understand!" I'm just sure that this book could have been written much more interestingly. I'm not exactly one for complaining (irony intended), but this is by far the least exciting book we have read all year. I'm sorry anyone who enjoys this book, but I am a teenage boy who needs to fulfill his stereotype of needs action and blood in everything he does, so this book just really isn't my slice of cake. Woot woot; glad I got that off my chest! Maybe this book will surprise me and open my eyes to something new, who knows?

Now that I said that, I can continue with the prompt. I chose a few days ago that I would study Siddhartha and his "hero's journey" path. In the very first few pages he gets a "call the action", meaning he has to leave his home place and, in his case, goes with a group of Samanas (people seeking Nirvana through constant suffering). The next main point I wanted to mention was that the hero's journey is completely out of order! After he has left his family, he gets small challenges that he has to complete to prove that he is worthy of seeking Nirvana. He slowly gets through all them so far, and he meets continuous Mentors on the way doing so. In the normal hero's journey the hero will get a single mentor to help him seek out his destiny, but Siddhartha has had about three and it's only chapter 6. Siddhartha is constantly bombarded with diffeent temptations that he has to overcome, but in the end I feel that he will reach Nirvana and become the new "O' Illustrious One".

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