Monday, May 5, 2014

Siddhartha Chapters 7 Through The End

The last few days we have been reading the last half-ish of the book Siddhartha. This book has actually surprised me in quite a few ways. In the last blog post I did, I complained about how this book didn't connect to me at all, and how I thought it was a terrible book. I was wrong. This book has caught my attention, and I learned from it. I may be atheist, but everyone has some sort of religious view. I like the concept of rebirth and everything being connected when it dies like shown as a big interest in this book. The very last pages have very intense descriptions on how when something dies, it turns into soil, then plants, and maybe someday a human like me or you. This spoke to me in a very cool way because it actually makes sense. Religions with a "god" don't really mean anything to me because it makes absolutely zero sense for a huge man nobody has talked to, or seen; above us in the sky creating everything, and above all else, making evidence against his case of existing. I feel like this God guy is pretty dull if he creates things like evolution and other facts that make it seem less likely for him to be real. From now on I shall not judge a book by it's first few chapters while everything is still getting going. My mistake. Anyways... I am actually enjoying this book! What makes it even better is that we have a really easy essay due next week on it! When Siddhartha finally realizes he is going through the same pain that his father did when he left, makes me kind of sad. Talking and living with your son for the first time, and then your son hates you and runs away to an inevitable depression from rich people things would make anybody sad too! I also like how the river is just as much of a mentor as Vasudeva. The part when the river laughed sent small chills down my spine because of how used to inanimate objects being, you know; inanimate. That is all I have to say about this book. My apologizes once again for being ignorant.

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